PoP, Wass and BroBob Thanks
I think we gain a extra hour sleep tonight so I'll roll all clocks back now accept the clock next to my bed
I'll wake up and be thankful for that little hour
If known I'd be up now I would have waited on most games but never know my true sleep schedule because I don't have one.....I'd like to have a Sunday morning where up before 11 and cap then but can't complain thinking bout it
I better leave alone, don't disrupt something that works......Every Saturday I say man Sunday doesn't look good
That's tomorrow so we're worried about today
man it's hard for me not to post because I have the time but for me it's not that easy.......I did my best last night so I'm always pulling to win a dollar
I win $1 today and I'm a happy man
Let me get, on first cup
I'm prob in for the day but if nba tonight I'll play that and I'll have more college......I like to find one game always towards the very end of night and have one....I do every week but don't think people would notice
that last game goes our way 80% of time, a bailout game, kind of like Monday night football use to be but no one has caught up to this ever!!! I look things most don't
thx again because I have good people pulling for all of us on these plays!!! Pressure on to hit so let's play ball
I need to talk some junk
early games on Saturday is why I started out bad but I'm up and we're going to spank the book
talk it and back it!!! I'm just having Fun, games are about fun so let's have some this weekend
Knock working hard to back Smack
Thx again, Knock! How is the Fall just not your fav time of year??? Feel good people and stay positive
you can't lose if you do those 2 things!!!